Exploring Romans – Video/Audio

Anthony Buzzard and J. Dan Gill

Join Sir Anthony Buzzard and J. Dan Gill for a chapter by chapter video commentary on the Apostle Paul’s writing to the Christians at Rome. The epistle of Paul to the Romans is one of the most celebrated of his letters and indeed one of the most profound writings in the Bible.

In Romans, we find wonderful expositions of the Father as God, Jesus as Lord and Christ (1:7), the gospel as the center of God’s plans for the ages (1:16, 17), justification through faith in the man Christ Jesus (5:1, 15, 17, 19), the insufficiency of the law of Moses and the sufficiency of God’s work in his son (8:3), the activity of the spirit of God in the believer (8:4-6) and a host of other extraordinary matters which illuminate the viewer and fortify one’s faith!
