Colossians – Video/Audio Commentary

Anthony Buzzard and J. Dan Gill

“May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power.” Those are words that the Apostle Paul penned to Christians at Colossae. Those words come home to us as readers of that same letter today.

Only four chapters and 95 verses! Yet, Colossians is filled with extraordinary/transforming truths. Begin your enjoyable walk through the Book of Colossians with Bible teachers, J. Dan Gill and Anthony Buzzard. With each chapter you are sure to learn and grow in your understanding and faith.

From the beginning you will observe Paul identifying “God” as being the “Father” of Jesus, and Jesus as being “Lord” and “Christ” (1:3). The apostle then gives us a picture of God’s plans for the hope and salvation of humankind through his son (1:12-14 ff.). He then continues with beautiful insights into God’s “new” creation: a creation which he is accomplishing through Jesus. It is Christ whom God has made to be the “beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything” in the new creation. Paul tells us that God has placed the fullness of all that he has for humanity in Jesus (1:18) and because of that, we are complete in Christ (2:9, 10). And it goes on! Wow! So why haven’t you started watching these commentaries on Colossians already? What are you waiting on? Go! Get started now!
